
I just can't..

antara egoku dan kesibukannya,
harus mendukung,
egoku mengelak
hatiku menolak.


Surat untuk Pradhika.

Awalnya sulit, awalnya rumit.
Hingga kita bisa bersama,
hingga kita bahagia :)

Dani mengajarkan saya arti sabar, tegar, dan bahwasanya tidak ada yang tidak mungkin untuk dua manusia yang entah bagaimana rasa ini mempersatukan, dan ingin besama.
Dani tau cara membuat saya nyaman, merasa aman, dan senang.
Dani tau bahwa jujur itu pahit, namun mengobati sakit.
Dani tau bahwa tiada dusta yang baik, meskipun untuk melindungi.

Dani dan saya menerapkan "mari bicara jujur dalam q&a", tiada amarah, tiada berkelah, maupun keluh kesah.
Saya jatuh cinta pada Dani, selalu...

Semakin hari,
semakin saya mengerti.
Dhika pantas untuk bahagia,
Dhika pantas untuk tertawa,
dan Dhika pantas untuk mendapatkan cinta.

Semoga Allah menjaga kita,
Semoga semakin kita perbaiki diri di tiap hari,
Semoga kita selalu berbagi cerita-keluh kesah kita- bahagia kita, bersama.

With love,
Banjarbaru 5 September 2018

Nanda Shaskia Larasaty.

(jika suatu hari nanti kamu lihat postingan ini,
ketahuilah bahwa saya selalu dan akan selalu seperti ini,
Selalu ada untuk mas dani. :D)

Bonus foto favorit saya, masdani dan alda saat kecil :D



Assalamualaikum wr.wb, sudah lama tidak menulis blog hehe
sebelumnya, selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa ya bagi smua umat Muslim, smg mendapat pahala dan berkah dari Allah subhanahuwata'ala aamiin :)
jadi, puasa tahun ini saya sangaaat sedih, kenapa? karna kami TETEP MASUK KULIAAAAH :(((((
sedangkan 2 tahun saya kuliah di FK, pasti bulan puasa itu LIBUR FULL! :(((
hahaha sedih sih, tp ternyata mayan asik, waktunya jadi tetep bermanfaat ga cuma tidur-nonton-jalan-dst. dan karna kami sudah semester 6 (cciiiieee ahhaha) jadi sibuk ngurus KTI, konsul, penelitian, dan ujian OSCE (ujian skill di kedokteran) dan ujian blok.
sedihnya ada lagi, kasian temen temen yang dari jauh, soalnya baru H-7 lebaran kami fix libur dan bebas dari semua jadwal ujian itu hiks, sabar ya teman teman, semangaaat! tdk ada usaha yang menkhianati hasil :)

trus ini ini, aku ada iseng bikin kemaren setelah selesai sidang KTI-1
hahaha, pas banget perasaannya merasa bener bener seneng, trus berterima kasih bgt buat semua pihak,buat temen teman costae, buat hendi, buat pembimbing dan penguji, dan terutama keluarga saya: papa migo, mama bati, kevan, dan eyal.
 saya iseng bikin video ini saking kangennya kumpul ber5, dan selalu keingetan papa mama kevan eyal kalo muter video ini, semangat utk belajar naik lg dan makin termotivasi utk membahagiakan mereka kelak, aamiin ya Robb :)

with love,



My July 2014, Hello Summer school pediatric in Groningen University!

Assalamualaikum wr.wb! Hallo, I've never wrote for a long time and here now I come back! just for you know hehe.
okay let's started, On this July, I've a very very great experience, I spent this summertime in Groningen, Netherland! (and also spent my Ramadhan time here...)

Day 1
16th hours on the plane is veryvery uncomfortable, just sit sleep and eat. but this is the 1st time I doing "sahur" on the plane, wohooo :D and lucky me, I got the sit number at the right place, beside the window,and it less my 'boring time'. This is what I captured when we were ready for landing in Amsterdam. I use the plan that directly going to Amst, so we don't have to transit in Doha.
Hello Amsterdam, it's 9:40 ! thank god this boring time was over hehe

Finally we arrived at Schiphol Amsterdam Airport!
after we got our baggage, we put my mommy's bag on the locker so she don't have to bring it to groningen. oh yeah and they are my aunt, Tante Saartje and Tante Wati. They lived in Rotterdam, and my mom will stay there until my summer school finish. oh ya, talking about Pemilu,in Netherland they started faster, on 5th July Indonesian people can choose number 1 or 2 in Den haag, at the KBRI. but for people like us, who just stay here for 3 weeks, we must log in to the website so we can choose too. but I can't choose at the time, cause my summerschoolplace is far from den haag and no free time at the date, urgh the 1st time I choose for president but I can't do that ehhe never mind lah ya:') maybe next 5 years I have the chance.

so here we are, using the train. the train is different from the Singapore's train or Hongkong's train, from the sit position, the architecture, and this train is not just in the under of earth, so we never get boring cause we can look at the landscape from the big window! :D

 It's 14:44 and we already at Groningen~ yuhuuuuu! I've picked up by Robert and Sahar, and ready going to the student house.
 this is my room, and I love it cause it near to the bathroom and has a internet usb cable that wrking really fast! there's no AC, but I still freeze even it's summer, and when I look at my phone the local temperature is 12C, okay it's summer? T___T

this is the kitchen, today we're gonna have a InternationalCooking Event and I really excited.

because I come late because my visa's problem, so I meet my friend at the supermarket to buy the ingridients for this ICE.

  in groningen, there's a canal, even not so many like the Amsterdam, but I love this view.

 This is my friend from Greeze, Yunani. her name is Ana.
 This is what I cooked, a chicken, can you guess what kind of food that I want to make? hehe

 Hello here we are, beside me is Tristiani Utari, my friend in the same group from Indonesia too, she's from Ahmad Yani University in Bandung. And 4 beautiful ladies beside me are from America and Canada, hello guys :D
It's time to presentate our food, yesterday the group A has been cooked, so today is ours. can you see all of this delicious food? nyumy nyumy:*

After we have our dinner, it's time to go bed. I feel so tired.....but wait, when I look at the window, I was supprised!
it's 10:30 on the night and still bright outside! what a long summertime... hehe :D


hello 20!

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Hello, kebetulan tanggal 8 april lalu saya berulang tahun yang keee..... duapuluh (20 loooh udah 20! T__T) , jadi Happy birthday to Me *yeaah* *sok asik* *heri-heboh sendiri* hehe, dan tidak terasa udah makin tua........... dan mulai hilang kata kata "anak baru gede" alias ABG nya. by the way nih, akhir-akhir ini saya lagi addicted banget sama lagu ini:

"Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do"
(Happy-Pharrell Williams)

Dan lagu ini pas banget nge gambarin betapaa bahagianya punya banyak teman betapa senangnya huehueueue~
On this April 8th, saya berterima kasih sekali kepada semua orang yang mendoakan kebaikan, yang berusaha mengucapkan, dan keluarga saya yang memberi surprise subuh-subuh hehee thank you mama, Kevan, Geral , papah yang meski cuma lewat telpon hehe thank yooou I love yoooou..

daaan terim kasih banyaaak buat tmn2 yang menyebar pamflet ini di kampus (cc: Heru Wahyudi, Mutiara Shifa, Rizkiarina Aulia Rahmah, Eria Sartika, Rebika Nurul Azizah.) dan seluruh keluarga costae hehe semoga Allah membalas dengan puluhan kali lipat kebahagiaan aamiin :)

hadiah dari Rina syg, thank yoooou:*
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dan ini hadiah dari Anggie Risna Vianti, alias Vya dan Hamisena Putra Perdana alias Danaa

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THANKYOU<3 p="">

Thank you yaaa. dan saya berterima kasih atas semua ucapan sahabat-sahabat saya, baik secara langsung face-to-face ataupun melalui media chatting dan medsos lain.
and here they are ;)

(video ini cuma bisa dibuka via laptop/komputer.  I'm sorry >.< )


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 kalo ada yang belum ke capture maap, tolong lapor yaa maap yaaa jgn marah yaaa :') hehe mekasih<3 nbsp="" p="">
Thank yoou for everyone who listening, understanding, laughing, my everything I love you you you all of you gangsta :D

With Scooter Alam 1 feat. Ahmad Z. Ulwan, Denny Indra Maulana, Jerio Wicaksana

Dan malemnya, ada semacam mmmbisa dibilang a mini-reunoin hehe alhamdulillah bisa ngumpul bareng temen-temen SMP dan SMA yang jarang ketemu, i miss yooou so bad! this is our night yeah ;D

Maybe my movie isn't over, I say, because sometimes moviemakers trick the audience with a false bad ending, and just when you think the movie is going to end badly, something dramatic happens, which leads to the happy ending. This seems like a good spot for something dramatic to happen, especially since it's my birthday. Thank you for everyone who loves, who care, who listen, and never went away. I really do hope all of you got the happiness from my day, wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

With Love,
